Welcome to First United Methodist Church in Iowa Park, TX
Our vision is to be a community of Christ's followers by modeling God's love
Our vision is to be a community of Christ's followers by modeling God's love
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New to First UMC Iowa Park ? Get All The Answers You’re Looking For

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  1. What if I have small children to bring to Sunday morning services?


    Small children are welcome in worship!  However if you have need of a nursery, we provide trained staff for all our services.

  2. What should I wear?


    From shorts to jeans to suits! Come as you are! Seriously - we want you to be comfortable and be focused on experiencing God. What ever helps you achieve that is great with us. God loves you, not the clothes you wear! You will find some people are more comfortable wearing their "Sunday best" and others come in shorts and a T-shirt! We care about you growing in relationship with God, not about how dressed up you are!

  3. Which service do you recommend?


    Each of our services is a little different.  It may be best to try out each service and see which one works best for you and/or your family.  If you want to know more about our services, feel free to contact the church office by email: churchoffice@iowaparkumc.org.

  4. What makes Methodist Churches different?


    Methodist churches are very "central" in the way we approach God and our beliefs. We end up being a great middle ground for folks that were raised in other traditions such as Baptist or Catholic churches.  Here are some highlights that  we are proud of.

    • We allow God to work in your life rather than dictating your beliefs
    • We are not so hung up on tradition that we lose site of Jesus and his LOVE
    • Our Communion table is OPEN to anyone at anytime.  We believe if Jesus were here today, that's the way he would do it.  He wouldn't ask your age or to see your membership card or if you had made special preparations, he would just say "come to the table".
    • We believe that Baptism is something that God does and so we baptize babies - and what joyful moments those are!
    • We also believe people should respond and claim their faith and so we provide "Confirmation" as a special blessing for our youth (usually sixth through ninth graders).
    If you have trouble with the traditions or doctrines of other churches, give us a chance to show you another way to grow in your relationship with your loving Father!

  5. What does “Methodist” mean?


    Our founder John Wesley was a very logical thinker and tried to put structure behind everything that the church did.  In other words, he was very "methodical" and so people started calling the churches he started "Methodists" and the name stuck!  🙂 Another fun fact:  We picked up the "United" in "United Methodists" when the church merged with another church back in the late 60's.  It also denotes how all Methodists churches are "connected" through a "Conference" (think regional office).

Still have questions? Please contact the church office at, churchoffice@iowaparkumc.org or via phone at (940) 592-4116.

Church Blog

Matthew 22:37

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.